Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I realize that I have lost weeks of updates...and I swear on the life of my cats that the minute I get a minute (midterms, people visiting etc) I will do that. However, now I want to share a thought. Yesterday all of the K kids had their class together- it starts at 6:40 which means that after a long day of classes we are all loopy enough to laugh and be silly all throughout class. One of us had had a rough day and I thought it was worth noting that the minute those of us who had not known learned of it the whole group rallied together. Very few of us knew the other people in our merry band before this whirlwind but in times of trouble I think its admirable and worth applauding that we can drop any group barriers that have formed and just care about each other. Not because the other person is a particular friend or anything but just on the basis of a same school connection- that K students across an ocean will band together because that is what we should do.
That is my thought of the day...
Have a good one everybody- and wear purple!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Apologetic Alex

Apparently I fail royally at blogging.
If anyone is still following this- I apologize profusely!!! The only excuse I have is that time is a precious commodity. So!!
After a long and fun filled weekend in Tuscany- Pisa, Florence, and Trequanda- I am going to sleep.
However, I promise that tomorrow, or at least in the next couple of days, I will start catching everyone up on everything.
Thanks for keeping up!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


I'm here!!!
And have been since Wednesday...
It was the longest plane ride of my life but as we were flying over France the sun started to rise and it was the most beautiful thing- it created this rainbow across the horizon.

Finally we landed and were whisked away by AUR to our respective apartments. I live with three other girls- Livy (from K), Xiaohan from MSU and Kasey from Maryland. I am rooming with Xiaohan- we have a beautiful room with a bunch of closet space. The apartment has mostly marble floors, a big bathroom and a small but sufficient kitchen. Han and I were chilling in our room about an hour ago- 8 pm- and this Italian family who lives in a building facing ours started singing in Italian! It was adorable!

My first day in Rome was quite possibly the worst- i broke a mirror, cut myself with the mirror, bled everywhere, and got sick. Then i slept forever.

The second day was fantastic!!!! When we woke up we made our way to AUR which is a couple buildings and a garden within a wall. After all that bureaucratic stuff was done we went grocery shopping and then caught a bus down to the center of the city: the Coliseum, Forum etc. The city at night is an amazing place- the darkness and spotlights help you imagine the old shells of buildings could have existed. After our exploration we took a bus to Trastevere where we found a restaurant. The owner loved us- said we were so happy that they gave us free desert, limoncello, and a discount off our check- our new favorite place. Of course- in true Italian style- he demanded a kiss from each of us before we left.

The free desert at the restaurant...

Finally- the third day:
I spent the day exploring the center of the city more with Hannah and Laura. We saw the Trevi Fountain and Spanish Steps. At the fountain there were two older men with long silver rods that had magnets on the end to fish out and take the coins from the fountain. I love the idea of the Fountain and wishes and it just shows you the lengths that some people go to for money- but maybe they are in desperate need....I don't know.
The music in Italy is hysterical. I have heard Destiny's Child, Lady Gaga and a song that was popular my freshman year or high school in stores and played in car radios. Only rarely will you actually hear Italian music- maybe that will change during the Christmas season though.

I promise my next post won't be as detail heavy-
Hope everyone is well wherever they are across the world!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

10 Days!!!!

I have ten days, a new computer, a beautiful backpack and a stomach ache.
The last one is a byproduct of too much emotion and too little sleep. My friend explained our dilemma, she is off to Bulgaria, perfectly: it is not that I am not excited about Italy but that with everything else going on- packing, Conor going off to college and moving- my body literally would explode if I added excitement onto all of that.
So in these ten days I will try to file away and complete all the other things my mind is preoccupied with so that excitement will once more reign supreme.
I will try to post once or twice a week while across the pond- with photos and news and pretentious college-student quotes like this one:
"Why do you stay in prison
when the door is so wide open?
 Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking.
Live in silence.
Flow down and down in always
widening rings of being."- Rumi